

CNRHA's two email discussion groups provide a forum to discuss Canadian National-related topics. Upon joining one or both lists, members have the option of receiving a copy of each message that any other member of the list sends to the list address, or a daily digest of messages. There is also an option to receive no mail, and instead read the messages on the list's web page. There are two lists available to interested subscribers:

CN Lines-CNet
General forum for discussion of all Canadian National topics.
CN Steam Mavens
Discussion of topics related to CNR steam-era equipment, operations and infrastructure.

To subscribe to one or both of CNRHA's on-line forums, visit the web page or email address shown below. If you are not yet a member of Yahoo! Groups, you will have to register a Yahoo name and password before you can subscribe to either CNRHA forum.

You must have subscribed before you can post or receive messages. Be sure to use an appropriate subject line on your posts. All new members are moderated until they post their first message.

CNRHA Forum Posting Guidelines

CNRHA's on-line discussion forums are moderated with a light touch. Messages posted to the forums are broadcast directly to the group without first being vetted by a moderator. If discussions have wandered well off-topic or are threatening to overwhelm the legitimate discussions, a moderator will intervene.

Discussion on CNRHA forums is limited to the Canadian National family of railways as they were, as they are, and as they are modelled. Please respect these topics in addition to the following guidelines:

  • Commercial advertising is NOT acceptable on CNRHA forums.
  • One-time announcements of new CN-related products are welcome and encouraged.
  • Ads for CN-related private sales are welcome, but subsequent e-mail traffic must be on a one-to-one basis rather than on the CNRHA forums.

    The following WILL NOT BE TOLERATED on CNRHA forums. Offenders are subject to removal from the forums:

  • Flaming
  • Profanity
  • Bigotry or other personal attacks

    Postings of the following type are also not permitted under any circumstances:

  • Distribution of virus warnings
  • Chain letters or other solicitations
  • Encoded or encrypted messages
  • Photographic images are stripped from postings. Instead, consider posting appropriate CN-related images, compliant with all copyright laws, to the forum's Files area.

    Discussion, debate, and disagreement are fine as long as the participants treat each other with basic respect and courtesy, and as long as subscribers (regardless of their skills or achievements) continue to feel welcome on this list.